SRK Consulting is an independent, international consulting practice providing focused advice and solutions to the earth and water resource industries. For mining projects, we …
PROCÉDÉ. Pour obtenir le lingot d'or, le processus de traitement comprend deux grandes étapes : La première consiste en l'extraction du minerai et la seconde le traitement. Pour …
La comptabilité par activités (CPA) : Identifie les activités d'une organisation, par exemple: le forage des chantiers. Attribuer les coûts de chaque activité aux provisions, à la main …
When is a resource not a resource? To answer this, we must look at a poorly defined aspect in the industry: the QP's consideration for reasonable prospects for eventual economic …
Our rigorous mine planning methodology focuses on pit optimization relative to grade cut-off strategy, economic mining depth, and size and scale of operation. The result is a life-of …
Overview. thin the mining industry. However, the fundamental concept—generating information to support decision making regarding a project—is the same for all.
SRK was contracted with Magnum Mining and Exploration and it's wholly owned subsidiary Nevada Iron to fast-track the Buena Vista iron ore project aimed to start supplying DSO …
SRK Consulting is an independent, international consulting group providing focused advice and solutions for your mining and exploration challenges. SRK's services cover the full …
Exploitation minière artisanale et semi-mécanisée de l'or au Burkina Faso : Les acteur·trice·s de la chaîne opératoire, leur vécu quotidien et leurs perceptions des …
The prediction of brine extraction rates must reflect the site‐specific characteristics of a brine hosted deposit. Table 1 summarizes key basin‐wide hydrogeological components …