Attacked by the Vikings in the ninth century, the town of Carrières-sur-Seine was officially founded in the first half of the twelfth century by the abbot of Saint-Denis, Suger. …
Traductions en contexte de "carrières" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : gestion des carrières, carrières scientifiques, l'organisation des carrières, d'organisation des …
The unusual village of Carrières-sur-Seine. On the side of a little cliff over the Seine valley, the town of Carrières-sur-Seine has retained its historical character. With its "ancien …
carrière. [kaʀjɛʀ ] feminine noun. 1. [de roches] quarry. 2. (= métier) career. un plan de carrière a career plan. faire carrière dans to make one's career in. militaire de carrière …
Translations in context of "carrières" in French-English from Reverso Context: gestion des carrières, carrières scientifiques, l'organisation des carrières, d'organisation des …
carrière. nf. [+roches] quarry. (=métier) career. un plan de carrière a career plan. → élaborer un plan de carrière. faire carrière dans to make one's career in. militaire de …
Instacart+ Return Policy. Get Carrieres Des Haut De Creux Sancerre delivered to you in as fast as 1 hour via Instacart or choose curbside or in-store pickup. …
Carrières translated from French to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words.
Since 2012, the Carrières des Lumières put forward digital, immersive and contemporary exhibitions. Young and old alike come to live a unique experience, explore limitless universes, and let themselves be carried …
Carrières de Lumières . Carrières de Lumières . Enjoy a unique experience at the Carrières de Lumières by attending it's two immersive digital projections. Since its …