In this chapter basic concepts of fracture, including different fracture modes under various stress states, concepts of cleavage fracture, and essentials of the …
Before providing a comprehensive elaboration of the micromechanism of cleavage fracture, in this section we give a brief description of fracture modes occurring …
The list of possible symptom complexes is long and well described in the literature. But options for a feasible therapy for this fracture entity are scarce. Dashti et …
It is shown that cleavage fracture is controlled by physical events occurring at different scales: initiation at (sub)micrometric particles, propagation across grain …
Clival fractures are uncommon skull base fractures resulting from high-energy cranial trauma and are usually associated with other skull vault fractures and …
Si les organisations politiques sont le fruit des clivages politiques, elles en sont tout à la fois les prescripteurs. La messe est donc loin d'être dite. Ce qui semble motiver avant tout le rejet de ce clivage ayant structuré notre vie politique est son incapacité, ou perçue comme tel, à faire …
Les ruptures fragiles par clivage, transgranulaires, sont exemptes de déformation plastique. Leur surface est plane et brillante. On ne distingue ni zone d'amorçage ni …
Le clivage est l'aptitude de certains minéraux à se fracturer selon des surfaces planes dans des directions privilégiées lorsqu'ils sont soumis à un effort mécanique (un choc ou une pression continue).
In this first paper the main characteristics of cleavage fracture in metals and alloys, in particular in BCC steels, including scatter, size effect, shallow crack effect, are firstly …
A clival fracture is a rare but life-threatening traumatic brain injury in the adult and pediatric populations. To date, there are very few conclusive …